Friday, December 25, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist - The Copenhagen That Matters -
“Already the green taxes here are quite high,” said [Danish minister, Lene Espersen]. “And even though we know this is not popular with business and industry, it has made all the difference for us. It forced our businesses to become more energy efficient and innovative, and this meant that, suddenly, we were inventing things nobody else was inventing [like what, specifically?] because our businesses needed to be competitive.”
Utopian New Left Just Like Old Left » The Foundry
Environmentalism, particularly in its more radical forms, has inherited all of the old left’s habits of mind, only on a far grander scale. It seeks to transform not just civilization, but the physical planet as well.

As with the old left, new left environmentalists view capitalism and the free market as enemies. But so, too, is reason. The lengths to which some scientists will go to stifle dissent reveal not only a disrespect for the scientific method, but also contempt for using reason to understand reality. If truly understanding climate change were the main goal, there would be no hesitation to look at all the evidence of global warming. In the minds of many climate-change scientists, however, the top goal is not to understand the planet but to “save” it. The cause transcends the science.
Giving the Gift of Carbon Dioxide [Hysteria] -
To some people, the certificate may be as welcome as a lump of coal. But Ms. Young, a marketing manager for the environmental Web site, was delighted.
Last year, the Adirondack Council began bidding at the auctions and selling certificates for the allowances it retired from the market. Each certificate represents three allowances and sells for $25 through the council’s Web site at
CCX CFI End of Day Summary: 2009 carbon credits currently going for a dime each
CFI 2009 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 - 0
Breaking Down Climate Change into its Undeniable Parts « Dr. Michael Kagan - Climate of Change
One of the points that I have been making a lot recently in order to totally diffuse the debate over “who caused the climate to change?” is forget the change in climate, forget greenhouse gas emissions, forget global warming, now look at the terrible state of the oceans, the terrible state of the top soil, the terrible state of food production, health, economics, air purity, water purity, rain forests, wetlands, death of species etc. etc. there is no doubt that these are all human made devastations upon the well-being of the planet. Let’s clear up this mess then global warming will fall in place. The denial of our responsibility in the release of greenhouse gases is fear and laziness so child psychology recommends side-stepping that issue and going for the undeniable.

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