Sunday, December 06, 2009

Richard Littlemore | Copenhagen Weathers a Splash of Denial
The Alernative Climate Conference on Sunday Dec. 6, 2009 was booked into a small room in Christiansborg, the Danish Parliament building.
The speakers list was also a well-known group. Usual suspects: Roger Pielke, the infamous former scientist Fred Singer, the failed politician and former journalist Christopher Monckton, and oil and gas company director Leighton Steward filled in as the out of town talent.
Having been following Pielke, Singer and Monckton for years, I certainly have no doubt. And given the option of spending a whole day listening to their outrageously manipulative claptrap about climate science, I should probably send the organizers of today's even a note of thanks for blocking my entry. Copenhagen is a beautiful city, full of history and culture and, this week, melting ice sculptures. It was a much more charming option than listening to Chris Monckton trying to argue that "the scare is over."
Climate Resistance » Hari Drama Hari Gaia
In just 1400 words [Johann Hari] manages to cram in just about every fallacy from the environmentalist’s handbook: he appeals to the dodgiest of authorities, sells politics, catastrophism and factoids as scientific truth, misrepresents his opponents’ arguments, cherrypicks data, explains human behaviour in biologically deterministic terms and politics in environmentally deterministic ones, and resorts to the green equivalent of Pascal’s wager while accusing ‘deniers’ of religious zeal.
Copenhagen backlash hits a government in denial
Gillard used the terms ''denier'' or ''denial'' 11 times, pointed words because they carry the connotation of Holocaust denial. The last time that tactic was used in the national debate, after the release of the Bringing Them Home report, it exploded on those who used it.

So this is going to get interesting because the political ground has shifted in the past six months. It is now the Rudd Government that appears to be in a state of denial.
NC Media Watch: Windows on COP15 in Copenhagen
Who is going to watching the climate fraudsters in Copenhagen? Here is a list of bloggers who are covering COP15:

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