Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Seizing More Of The Economy
The EPA's "Congress-and-people-be-damned" declaration on the regulation of greenhouse gases announces the arrival of another power grab by the president's appointees and the agencies they control. The effort to seize control of the nation's economy via cap-and-tax has failed because Congress understands that the American voters will punish it for burdening the economy with ideologically-motivated limits on emissions.
EPA is preparing to regulate emissions in Congress's stead - washingtonpost.com
Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), a leading proponent of a Senate climate bill, issued a statement after the EPA's announcement saying, "The message to Congress is crystal clear: Get moving."
"The stick approach isn't going to work. In fact, Congress may retaliate," said Mark Helmke, a senior adviser to Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.). "They could stop the funding, and they could change the law."
The "Hacked" E-mails
I suggested on tonight's show that a new drinking game develop around MSM's use of the description "hacked" in the Climategate story. It is very funny how the writers on the networks cannot bring themselves to discuss the import of the content of the e-mails independent of the method by which they were obtained. The fury of the greens in the "newsrooms" cannot be contained.

When the New York Times was busy publishing national security secrets, did MSM precede every story on the surveillance program with a description indicating that the information had been obtained via a criminal act? Of course not, but the writers approved of that illegal pilfering of information.
The Media Evil Climate Anomaly | Anthropogenic Global Warming Bull
All we ask is to be shown the particular science. The empirical evidence that links the rise in CO2 with the blip in temperature that peaked in 1998. Surely, somewhere amongst the thousands of papers produced by thousands of scientists there is one that gives some pointers to the veracity of the flawed and unproven hypothesis that so badly hankers after ‘theory’ status?

Frayed knot.
Shocking UN Document Divulges Climate Cult Brainwashing
This has nothing to do with saving the earth and, as the climategate scandal has illustrated, nothing to do with the real science – but everything to do with a relatively small clique of globalists running roughshod over humanity itself in pursuit of their malthusian control freak agenda.

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