Friday, December 25, 2009

Skeptic's Corner: Another unacceptable solution to a non problem
Since this won't hurt capitalism and will allow the evil corporate polluters to survive it obviously will need to be discredited and destroyed. Can't have CO2 being scrubbed, these chemical plants need to be shut down for a more sustainable world.
Three Cheers for Holiday Lights! — MasterResource
If holiday energy guzzling is forgiven, why not excuse outdoor heating and cooling, one-switch centralized lighting, and instant-on appliances that “leak” electricity, not to mention SUVs? Prancing around to turn on individual lights or waiting for the paper copier to warm up wastes the scarcest and one truly depleting resource: a person’s time. Surely extra energy use for comfort and convenience has priority over purely celebratory uses of energy.
I Love CO2: Truth Or Lies?
[Peter T Laird] The whole climate change operation and that is what it is, an operation, is a complete scam to strip people of their money by taxing those same people for a problem that does not exist.
Record Setting Snow Across Oklahoma, All Metro Interstates Closed - - Oklahoma City, OK
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Thousands of Oklahomans remain without power as a massive winter storm blew threw the state bringing record setting snowfall to a large part of central Oklahoma. Will Rogers World Airport reported receiving about 14 inches of snow.
I Love CO2: Fido and Evergreen - True Canadian Corporate Alarmism
This email is in regards to the climate change page on your site. It's too bad your organization is capitalizing on the myth of manmade climate change, and you continue to spread false information about CO2. I just noticed your affiliation with FIDO, and am happy to announce that we have successfully cancelled 4 cellphone lines with Fido because of this partnership with Evergreen.

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