Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Smoking Guns Across Australia: Where’s the warming? Looking at 16 other locations. « JoNova
If there was enough money, fame and power on the table (think seismic proportions, money that moves the economic landscape), would it be possible to take a small unproven scientific theory as an excuse and, with the best PR teams in the world, promote it, support it, and make it appear unquestionable?
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Why the Historical Warming Numbers Matter
Sure, there are some time delay issues, probably 10-15 years, as well as some potential anthropogenic cooling from aerosols, but none of this closes these tremendous gaps. Even with an exaggerated temperature history, only the no feedback 1C per century case is really validated by history. And, if one assumes the actual warming is less than 0.6C, and only a part of that is from anthropogenic CO2, then the actual warming forecast justified is one of negative feedback, showing less than 1C per century warming from manmade CO2 — which is EXACTLY the case that most skeptics make.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Snow, Woohoo
We got over 2 feet of snow in Flagstaff, with six foot drifts, the most snow we have ever gotten this early in Northern Arizona.
Alaska Bodged Too « the Air Vent
One can only guess what “corrections” were applied to the GHCN and IPCC data sets, but I can easily guess their magnitude – about 1 degree. Curiously, the magnitude of the adjustments is about the same as the “global warming” signal of the past century.
Copenhagen climate summit: scientists rally against climate change sceptics - Telegraph
The Arctic ice-cap, for example, is only about half as big as it was in 1950
YouTube - Lord Monckton: Global Warming big scientific fad
The United Nations Climate change conference has opened in the Danish capital Copenhagen. RT's Laura Emmet has talked to one man who'll be there - who's also one of the most outspoken critics of global warming theory.
Tory moderates attack climate change sceptics - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Tory moderates have attacked climate change sceptics as “flat-earthers” and urged David Cameron to show Churchillian leadership on the issue if he becomes prime minister.

The Tory Reform Group, the main body for “One Nation” Conservatives, warned that the world is “drinking in the last chance saloon”. It rallied behind Mr Cameron in his battle with Tory MPs, MEPs and grassroots members, many of whom are sceptical about climate change, as The Independent revealed last week.

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