Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Speech: EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson [promotes the greatest scientific fraud in history]
There have and continue to be debates about how and how quickly climate change will happen if we fail to act. But the overwhelming amounts of scientific study show that the threat is real – as does the evidence before our very eyes. Polar ice caps crumbling into the oceans, changing migratory patterns of animals and broader ranges for deadly diseases, historic droughts, more powerful storms, and disappearing coastlines.
Reaction to EPA Greenhouse Announcement Mixed - Dakota Farmer
"We realize the EPA's stated intention is to focus this finding narrowly on specific industries, using particular thresholds, but we believe there is no protection in the provisions that prevent them from being applied broadly across all sectors, including farm and ranch families who produce livestock," Stallman said. "Due to the timing of the announcement, we also believe this move could have more to do with political science than climate science."
Sarah Palin’s zombie charm …
True information, if it is true, doesn’t necessarily mean truthful [?!]. Even if there are patterns of polar bear population increases (note, not an area of expertise or focus), scientific analysis shows diminishing Arctic Ice coverage and reduced Arctic Ice mass to be a significant threat to polar bears in the years to come.
Does it seem Cache Valley residents are generally more skeptical about global warming than people elsewhere?
The Herald Journal is inviting reader input on the above topic.
Statistics of the day | The Economist
Percentage of Americans who believe in anthropogenic global warming: 36

Percentage of Americans who believe in ghosts: 34

Percentage of Americans who believe in UFOs: 34
The Myth of Neutral Academic Peer Review Exploded by Gary North
Peer review is the central issue of Climategate – not temperatures. The peers reviewed, then suppressed. The scientific peer review mantra has died for this hotly contended political issue. We non-scientists can read the snippets. The authors of those emails cried "out of context!" Mann can (and has) cried "cherry-picking." This has done him no good. There were cherries to pick. The two are history. Finished.
Denver mayor says global warming evidence is 'shocking'
"It's pretty compelling," the mayor said by phone on Tuesday morning. "It really does make you say, 'Gosh, I know it's going to be hard. It's going to be unpopular [to change].' My takeaway is I want to come back to Denver and sit down with every skeptic I can find and just walk them through all the evidence."

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