Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stewart mocks Hannity for using snow in Houston to deny climate change | Raw Story
"While Lord Monckton is not a scientist per se, he is the third Viscount of Brenchley and he makes puzzles," Stewart said to laughter.

But then the host of The Daily Show got serious. "So clearly the leaders of the world are siding with the scientific community and against the Viscount and that sends a strong message that global warming is real and that the world is serious about doing something about it," said Stewart.
Copenhagen climate summit: Gordon Brown warns talks could end 'with no deal' - Telegraph
[Prince Charles] “The future of mankind can be assured only if we rediscover ways in which to live as a part of nature, not apart from her,” he said. “The grim reality is that our planet has reached a point of crisis and we have only seven years before we lose the levers of control.”
Meanwhile Boris Johnson, The Mayor of London, said the Copenhagen climate conference was in danger of failing if environmentalists continued to “overdose” on gloom.
Natural Gas Rises to 11-Month High on Cold Weather, XTO Sale -
Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Natural gas futures rose to an 11- month high on forecasts for below-normal temperatures across the Midwest and Northeast, boosting demand for heating fuel.

Cold weather will dominate through at least Dec. 23, Joe Bastardi, of of State College, Pennsylvania, said today in an outlook.
The Absurd Report » Al Gore Lying At COP15 Copenhagen Climate Conference

Climate conference: 'Make bankers pay for deal' - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
Mr Zenawi, who arrived in Copenhagen last night to represent the 53 member states of the African Union at the talks, suggested that much of the money could be raised by new taxes on aviation and shipping and an innovative global tax on all financial transactions – known as a "Tobin tax". Research has suggested that such a tax could raise up to $100bn a year.
American Thinker: Climate Scientists and Ethics: Some Advice from a Finance Professor
Climate scientists need to learn about ethics from finance professors, another group who gather historical data and construct models to make forecasts.
Climate scientists, on the other hand, are being taken very seriously by politicians, environmentalists, and businesspeople. For example, alternative energy producers can survive only thanks to government subsidies, regulation, and taxes on their competitors in the "non-alternative" energy sector. These government policies will be implemented only if the public is convinced that global warming is a man-made, serious problem. Hence, climate scientists may be more reluctant to revise their theories if so many people's fortunes depend on the acceptance of these theories. So this should perhaps be another message: don't take yourself too seriously so that others won't take you too seriously either.
[Now you tell us]: Obama is not saviour of the world. He's still an American president | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian
The reality is that this man must represent the contradictory interests of a country still way behind on climate change
Video - Friends of the Earth Chair Evicted from COP15 in Copenhagen

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