Thursday, December 10, 2009

TVMOB shocker: Activists decried as “Hitler Youth” for crashing Americans For Prosperity’s global warming event in Copenhagen « Climate Progress
With these beyond-the-pale remarks, Lord Monckton has jumped the shark python and embraced hate speech. He needs to make an apology in person to the student climate science realists he defamed.
Heliogenic Climate Change: Chill out, John, get some perspective
"John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and President Barack Obama’s top science adviser, told Congress last week that the Earth could be approaching a series of “tipping points” that could drastically alter the climate and Earth’s natural systems and cause the sea level to rise dramatically." "Obama's Top Science Adviser to Congress: Earth Could Be Reaching Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’ That Would Be Followed by a Dramatic Rise in Sea Level"
Copenhagen Hypocrites - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Tune in tonight on the Fox Business Network for the debut of John Stossel's show at eight Eastern.  [From an email I received: "Tonight's debut program is just what one would expect from one of America's top journalists: the climate crisis, Climategate, and global warming."]
Getting Rich from Green Energy? - Drew Thornley - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Bah humbug. Thanks to his alternative-energy investments, major Democratic Party donor David Gelbaum is cutting his donations to Sierra Club and other groups. Though Gelbaum gave $47.7 million to Sierra Club from 2005 to 2009, his bad alternative-energy bets have left him in a "highly illiquid position." According to today's WSJ, "Mr. Gelbaum, a major donor to the Democratic Party, didn't identify the clean-energy investments, but Quercus Trust, the fund that Mr. Gelbaum runs, was down almost 57% over the 18 months to late November, according to PlacementTracker."

I guess he followed the same hot investment tip that T. Boone Pickens did.
Lots of vituperative comments to Palin’s WaPo op-ed |
Interesting that instead of commenting on the substance of the article, detractors are more interested in ad hominems.
Copenhagen climate conference: Who will dare mention population growth? - Telegraph
The real "elephant at the summit", however, is population growth. In spite of it being the core cause of climate change, everyone is running a mile from having a serious, frank discussion on how it can be halted.

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