Friday, December 11, 2009

U.S. Chief Negotiator Pleads Insanity on Historical Emissions « Cornfields to Copenhagen
In his first press briefing at the COP-15, Todd Stern, the U.S. Special Envoy on Climate Change, flatly rejected the notion of a “climate debt” that the United States owes to countries damaged by climate disruption. By rejecting “climate debt,” he nearly dismissed the entire climate justice perspective.
Island Nations Seek Lower Temperature Goal -
The world’s industrialized countries and emerging economic powers have pledged over the past year to work to limit warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above where temperatures stood in the 1800s
The Breakthrough Institute: Contrivance in Copenhagen
Nihilism is the phenomenon of going to church, saying confession, and sometimes even praying to God, even though you no longer believe that God will do anything for you. Climate nihilism is the phenomenon of going to Copenhagen, promising to reduce emissions and pretending to believe the promises, even neither though you nor anybody around you has any intention, plan or funding to do so.
[caption] Postmodern Pilgrimage. Copenhagen has become a pilgrimage for global leaders -- but one for the expression of bad faith.
[caption] Phony Journalism. The influence of industry-funded climate skeptics is a phony story. Green groups, foundations, and Al Gore outspend Exxon-Mobil more than 500 to 1.
A case of classic Swift-Boating: How the right-wing noise machine manufactured “Climategate” « Climate Progress
Polluter-funded climate skeptics, along with their allies in conservative media and the Republican Party, sifted through the e-mails, and quickly cherry picked quotes to falsely accuse climate scientists of concocting climate change science out of whole cloth.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: The "Trick" in Context
Not only does McIntyre put the "trick" into its contemporary context, but his efforts also helps us to understand the present spinning by the scientific community suggesting that the "trick" is just science-speak for a clever method. It is not. The "trick" in context is clearly an effort by activist scientists at the highest levels of the IPCC to misrepresent scientific complexity to policy makers and the public.
American Thinker: Emails, schmeemails, look at the polar ice caps
So looking at the polar ice caps tells us nothing, especially when the two caps are doing opposite things.
Copenhagen climate change: 'US should spend as much on global warming [fraud] as war' - Telegraph
Poor countries have demanded that the US spends as much on tackling climate change as it does on warfare.
Climate Research News » ‘Mystic’ Met Office’s Climategate Protection Racket
CRN comment: No matter how many scientists sign Mystic Met’s petition, the fact remains that the leaked CRU emails provide incontrovertible evidence of a small group of climate alarmist ‘gatekeepers’ stitching up the peer review and IPCC process, as well as trying to avoid data release under the FOI Act.
Brrr! Record cold for the North Olympic Peninsula
The cold snap that gripped the North Olympic Peninsula in its icy claws this week set several records for low temperatures in Clallam County.
Met Office Criticised for Political Lobbying
"We are very concerned that both agencies have overstepped their scientific remits, which are supposed to provide governments with balanced advice and empirical data, and not to lobby politically," Dr Benny Peiser, the Director of the GWPF said.
EU split over size of emissions cut - Europe, World - The Independent
A damaging east-west split has opened up among EU countries over how quickly and deeply they should cut their carbon emissions to combat climate change.
MUST READ: CLIMATE CHANGE FOR DUMMIES by Prof. Will Alexander, S. African UN Scientist. | Climate Realists
The basic assumption at Copenhagen is that emissions generated by developing countries can be controlled by large scale donations of money and technology from the affluent nations. As with the science, this assumption displays a complete ignorance of how society operates in these countries.
Hitler Youth in Denmark – again | The SPPI Blog
A thoughtful, quietly-spoken German was almost in tears.

“I never thought I would see this in my lifetime,” he said, sadness and anger competing on his face. “The last time young people politicized and indoctrinated by the State broke up a meeting of their opponents here in Copenhagen by chanting mindless, repetitive slogans was during the Nazi occupation of Denmark during the Second World War.”
Alas, this display, too, is mere propaganda. Walking past the tree late at night, we saw not a single eco-zomb pedaling to keep the lights on, but they were burning brightly anyway. The Copenhagen Christmas tree is a monument to the dishonesty of the entire “global warming” fraud.
Climate science Q&A: Has 40% of all Arctic ice melted? | The SPPI Blog
Recently, as part of the carefully-coordinated campaign of news releases by climate-science profiteers and fraudsters around the world, the British Antarctic Survey – now more lavishly funded than ever thanks to the ”global warming” scare that it so relentlessly but unscientifically promotes - issued a report saying that trillions of tons of ice had disappeared from West Antarctica in the previous five years. However, in the last four of those five years there has been no statistically-significant rise either in sea level or in column absolute humidity – a (rather uncertain) measure of the amount of water vapor carried in the atmosphere at any one time. My question to the BAS is this. If all those trillions of tons of ice disappeared, and they did not go into the sea or the air, where did they go?
Jonah Goldberg: Global Warming as a Political Tool
And it just so happens that with the exception of nuclear power — which most greens still won’t support — global warming fuels nearly every progressive ambition. Wealth transfers from rich to poor nations: Check. The rise of “global governance” and the decline of American sovereignty: Check. A secular fatwa not only to erode capitalism but to intrude on every aspect of our lives (Greenpeace offers a guide to carbon-neutral sex): Check. Weaning us off of oil (which, don’t let the Goregonauts fool you, was a priority back when we were still worried about global cooling): Check. The checks go on for as far as the eye can see, and we will be writing them for years to come.

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