Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Ungreening Of America | The New Republic
Why are people caring less and less about the environment?
The Reference Frame: Micronesia will be sunk by a Czech coal plant, wrote a protest memo
The idea is that the carbon dioxide emissions from our power plant will lead to a sea level rise that will sink the islands of our Micronesian friends.
Things that make you go HMM … « the Air Vent
More hmm. The warming trend is under a tenth of a degree C from 1900 and the 2006 point on the smooth is about the same as the 1936 point on the smooth. Perhaps the drop off in stations is causing a problem; perhaps not. Not enough information in this analysis to tell.
Here’s Some Money; Can I Quote You? | GlobalWarming.org
Then, in keeping with the global warming alarmist playbook, they suggested I disclose who my funders are. So in response I asked if they could share some of that Standard Oil/Exxon slathered Rockefeller dough they enjoy with little ‘ol me. That comment hasn’t been posted at Yale 360 as of this writing.
50 reasons why global warming isn't natural - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
A British newspaper today published a list of "100 reasons why global warming is natural".

Here we take a quick look at the first 50 of their claims - and debunk each one.

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