Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wikipedia: How William Connolley Beat a Climate Change Enemy
Connolley also became an administrator at Wikipedia, which allowed him to remove content authored by others that he didn't like or were counter to his agenda. About 500 articles disappeared during his tenure. He also banned article contributors who disagreed with him, while rewarding others that agreed with him. This essentially turned Wikipedia into the electronic Brown Shirts for climate change.

So, this is what it comes to - lies and deception, something all too familiar to liberals. And for what? Power, control and money.
Climate Feedback: An alternative to the UN
...the outcome of Copenhagen calls into question the competency of the United Nations to solve the climate problem. Despite the presence of delegates from almost 200 countries, an agreement was finally forged behind closed doors between only five...
Big Freeze Chaos – What Next? by Piers Corbyn from | Climate Realists
Piers Corbyn astrophysicist of WeatherAction long range weather & climate forecasters said today: “The gritting crisis and travel chaos in the present big freeze in Britain & Ireland is largely a direct consequence of out-moded forecasting procedures as used by the Met Office, and the unreadiness of Councils for this Arctic blast because they are misled by Global Warming propaganda from government and media and the Met Office’s ridiculous forecast for a ‘probably mild’ winter.
Von Storch WSJ Editorial « Climate Audit
One of the remarkable aspects of Climategate is that the only climate scientists presently speaking out against the Team are people who had previously been at least somewhat visible. - Get The Frackin' Gas
Soros owns a major stake in a company called InterOil, a company that has discovered a large natural gas field in Papua, New Guinea, with which American shale resources would compete.

Soros would rather have us import his liquefied natural gas than develop our own. His allies in the media, the environmental movement and the Democratic caucus are all too eager to exploit public fears to do it.

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