Sunday, January 24, 2010

15 Missouri communities served by Sho-Me Power forced to look for new power supply | [Without adult intervention, prepare for a whole lot of involuntary "Earth Hours"]
Associated Electric, which sells power wholesale to Sho-Me Power, is scaling back on selling electricity to municipal utilities because of an uncertain future in generating additional energy, said spokeswoman Nancy Southworth.

Proposals in Congress to rein in carbon dioxide emissions believed to be contributing to man-made global climate change have brought any plans to build or invest in new coal-burning power plants to a halt.

"Looking 20 years out, it gets very difficult to do that in today's environment," Hartman said. "It's an uncertain future on coal and it takes a few years to build (a plant)."
The Yeshiva World » Rush Limbaugh Responds to Abe Foxman » Frum Jewish News
Liberals are liberals first. They’re partisans first, whatever else they are. If they’re feminists, they’re still liberals first. If they’re animal rights nuts, they’re liberals first. If they are the hoaxers of climate change and global warming, they are liberals or socialists first — and the issues that they attach themselves to are simply their springboards, their jumping-off points for advancing liberalism and statism.
Global Warming - The Truth advertisement now realised | Climate Realists
The second proof is here and apart from the overlay with the graph this is the correct final version.
Wind farm subsidies top £1 billion a year - Telegraph
Britain's energy policy faces new controversy as it can be revealed that electricity customers are paying more than £1 billion a year to subsidise windfarms and other forms of renewable energy.
London Times Says No to Glacial Meltdown; Sorry Al Gore
It is mind-boggling to think that anyone from the U.N. and the IPCC in particular could make any further reports on global warming, climate change and be considered credible or even close after their recent records of futility and falsehoods.

This is just one more example of why the United Nations should be disbanded IMMEDIATELY and if nothing else, the United States should remove our delegation and funding for this rotten, corrupt and unbelievably incompetent organization of fools.

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