Sunday, January 31, 2010

American Thinker Blog: Global warming science implodes overseas: American media silent
Perhaps its time to ask why this story being revealed overseas with new revelations almost daily in the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, the Timesonline, and other Fleet Street publications can't get any traction here. Blogs like Watts up with That and Climate Depot are keeping us informed of the latest from England but we hear crickets chirping when it comes to stories from major newspapers and - outside of Fox News - the cable nets.

As global warming the political movement is losing its scientific justification, the American people - who will be asked to foot the bill to the tune of trillions of dollars if Obama goes ahead with his "green" plans - are grossly uninformed about the state of the debate. Until the media starts to give this story the coverage it deserves, that state of affairs will not change.
My Eighth Grade Son Did Better Science | Climate Skeptic
What next? Are we going to ask a random group of parachuters how fast they thought they were free-falling to reset the of g (9.8m/sec/sec)? My son did more rigorous climate science for his eighth grade science fair project.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » SEC Climate Disclosures
I haven’t seen anyone explain the reason for this requirement, so I thought I would do so. Companies know that no real investor is going to pay any attention to these climate disclosures, so to avoid any future action accusing them of not being forthcoming enough, companies are going to go overboard outlining potential risks far beyond what they think is likely. These exaggerations will protect them from the SEC while at the same time having no effect on their stock price. Then, alarmists will collate all of these and use them as evidence of the high cost of climate change, saying “see, look at what all these public companies are saying climate change will do to them.” Lacking any evidence of harmful climate change in the actual climate or economy, this is one way to manufacture fake evidence.

By the way, here is the diclosure every oil company should put in their reports:
Notice: Poplist politicians are very likely to demagogue this company for a wide-range of imagined crimes in an attempt to get re-elected, including crimes against the climate in various forms. Politicians will attempt to preferentially saddle this company with new taxes and regulations given that this company is not liked by many voters (despite the fact that many of these voters freelydo business with this company). Politicians will likely continue to try to sieze portions of this company’s earnings, despite the fact that those earnings are relatively low given the magnitude of the our investments and the amount of value we add.

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