Saturday, January 23, 2010

[Another problem for Pachauri]
[susan] Conflicting dates for Pachauri re his statements as to when he knew about the mistakes: 1/23/10, TimesOnlineUK, Pachauri quoted as he only learned about Himalaya mistakes 10 days ago from the media. Yet, BBC reported 12/5/09 Himalaya mistakes, that Pach. was asked about them, and quotes his responses: I have "nothing to add about glaciers" and that a report about the mistakes was "voodoo science," and that the IPCC was a "sober body" whose work "was verified by governments." Conservatively there is at least a month's discrepancy in his version of when he knew about the mistakes. It also means he knew about them in Copenhagen.
There is No Frakking "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming: More Dodgy Citations in the Nobel-Winning IPCC Report
At its heart, the Himalayan glacier scandal that has recently shaken the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) involves a document created by the WWF.

The WWF is an activist organization. Much of its funding comes from public donations. The more successful the WWF is at persuading the public that there's a crisis, the more likely people are to give it money.
Has the Real Environmental Movement Been Hijacked by Climate Profiteers? « Sustainable Future
Although there are compelling arguments that climate change is happening, recent evidence shows it may be mainly caused by the sun’s activity. However, it does seem plausible that GHG, with their insulating affect, do contribute to trapping heat and warming the earth. But is it catastrophically dangerous to our wellbeing? Well, it seems that those predictions are only as good as the theory they’re derived from and now that theory is in question.
Warning Signs: The Bill Comes Due for Socialism in America
The proposed “Cap-and-Trade” bill, a huge tax on all energy use—the lifeblood of any economy, must be defeated. This will come most likely from a lack of votes as Senate Democrats are finally scared enough of the electorate to act with some degree of rationality.

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