Sunday, January 03, 2010

Anti-science disinformers step up efforts to intimidate and harass climate scientists « Climate Progress
...the highly-regarded work of Earth System Science Center is of course published in science journals — and open to anybody to critique. The federal government knows precisely what it is funding, and the reporting required of such scientific contracts is scrupulous to a fault.

The point of the email is harassment and intimidation, nothing more. Just how absurd this all is can be seen by the fact that Delingpole and his anti-scientific buddies think the Hockey Stick is itself fraudulent
...The closest analogue I can see for Delingpole is those journalists who attacked Churchill for trying to warn of the coming storm, attacks that were made easier by the fact that Churchill was quite flawed (like all people) and had made many mistakes in his career.
Lord Monckton replies to Australia’s canting, ranting Prime Minister | The SPPI Blog
My list of the Copenhagen junketers from Australia’s governing class is attached. All those taxpayer dollars squandered, just to forestall 0.02 C° of “global warming” in ten years. Yet, in the past decade and a half, there has been no “global warming” at all. Can you not see that it would be kinder to your working people to wait another decade and see whether global temperatures even begin to respond as the IPCC has predicted? What is the worst that can happen if you wait? Just 0.02 C° of global warming that would not otherwise have occurred. It’s a no-brainer.
Obama's last year - Kyle Smith -
Politico reports “at least a half-dozen Democrats” in the Senate have told the White House to drop cap-and-trade. Recessions are notoriously harsh on the sales of luxury goods, and the nation is in no mood to spend hundreds of billions of lost economic output in order to buy a magical amulet to ward off global warming. Suggested compromise: Mr. President, why not deal with global warming with a nice interfaith prayer summit? You can invite every imam and Buddhist monk you know — don’t forget the pagans! — to hold hands and ask for a solution from whatever all-inclusive, nonpatriarchal supreme force might be inclined to listen. It’ll have the same effect on global warming as walloping everybody who uses carbon-based energy with a huge tax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another great piece by Monckton. Well worth reading.