Friday, January 22, 2010

[Back at the peak of climate hysteria, this article would have emphasized the global warming hoax]: Invasive species wiping out wildlife around the world - Telegraph
The study said that the increase and spread of invasive species, largely as a result of the rise in international trade in the past 25 years, was one of the biggest threats to endangered species in the world alongside logging and agriculture.
Climate Research News » Glaciergate: Rate Of Himalayan Glacier Melt ‘Practically At A Standstill’
….”The health of glaciers is a cause of grave concern but the IPCC’s alarmist position that they would melt by 2035 was not based on an iota of scientific evidence,” Ramesh said on Monday. He added that the rate of glacial melting was “today practically at a standstill” in the Himalayas.
Greens: "Ten out of ten for honesty!" | Australian Climate Madness
Barnaby Joyce gives the Greens full marks for calling their proposed price on carbon a "tax"
C3: More Bad News For Warming Alarmists: Two New Studies Indicate That Droughts Less Likely
The news for global warming alarmists keeps getting worse (but better for the rest of humanity). Peer-research indicates surface evaporation that causes soil dryness is declining, despite warmer temperatures. Also, the level of precipitation has increased. The combination of these two make it very difficult to achieve drought conditions. It's also an indication of new climate model failure as prediction tools.

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