Saturday, January 02, 2010

Camp for Climate Action: From the climate detainees. | Facebook
Climate change is an extreme and ultimate expression of the violence of the capitalistic growth paradigm.
Record cold weather roundup – hundreds of new cold and snow records set in the last week « Watts Up With That?
Here’s the roundup of cold and snow records for the past 7 days. While there is a handful of new high temp records, it is clear where the bulk of the statistics is. Note the new record lows in Florida.
Power Line - It Didn't Start With Climategate
The whistleblower at the University of East Anglia who leaked emails and other documents that reveal the fraud that is being perpetrated by the world's leading global warming alarmists did us all a great service. But it is important to realize that the deception didn't just begin: rather, the global warming hysteria movement has been shot through with fraud from the start.
So the Kyoto protocol was based on fictitious science, exaggerated or fabricated outright for political purposes. The same Professor Santer who hijacked the Second Assessment Report figures prominently in Climategate. Many of his emails were disclosed by the East Anglia whistleblower; among other things, they show Santer resisting all efforts by independent scientists to obtain information, through Freedom of Information Act requests, about the statistical manipulations that Santer applies to raw climate data to "prove" the existence of anthropogenic global warming.

Fraud: it is the one constant in the history of the global warming hysteria movement.
The 2013 IPCC report: more bias to come, especially about clouds | The SPPI Blog
It is time to disband the IPCC, as my noble friend Lord Lawson has long advocated. The IPCC simply will not look fairly and properly even at the most compelling evidence if it runs counter to its preconceived position. It also excludes researchers whose views it dislikes: I was prevented from attending the scoping meeting in Hawaii last year that drew up the first outline of the chapter structure, even though the process was supposed to be open and transparent. A rude and peremptory email from the organizer of the meeting made it quite plain that I would not be admitted.
Local News | Outgoing Mayor Greg Nickels leaves stamp on Seattle | Seattle Times Newspaper
As Seattle mayor, Greg Nickels became more popular away from the city than in it. He was named president of the U.S. Council of Mayors and gained a national reputation as an environmental leader. Locally, though, he came to be seen by some as a bully who alienated the neighborhoods and angered members of the City Council.
Voters were already in a bad mood when a brutal snowstorm buried Seattle two weeks before Christmas 2008. Unplowed, icy and rutted streets paralyzed the city during the important shopping season.

Nickels refused to use salt and outfitted snowplows with rubber blades. At a post-storm news conference, he gave the city a "B" for its performance.

The city's snowstorm response seemed to epitomize voters' sense that the mayor was out of touch.
Woman dies in bus shelter - Canada -
The pair wasn't homeless, she said.

Such deaths are a harsh reality for Winnipeg's vulnerable residents, who become even more vulnerable when the mercury dips, said Len Perry of Siloam Mission.
Plowing of city sidewalks disabled's wish for 2010  | London Free Press
Well, here it is my third winter in a wheelchair, and as I watch the snow falling and wind whipping around my apartment building, I wonder if this is going to be the year the City of London finally remembers its citizens in wheelchairs, who are stranded in their homes from the first major snowfall until the ice and snow melt on the streets and sidewalks which are never or seldom cleared.
Climate Physics: Some realist videos

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