EU Referendum: Pachauri doesn't talk to media. Shock!
A man who has been the darling of the media is thus finding the change of mood hard to deal with as he is reported as having, "declined to speak to the media on the Himalayan glacier goof-up issue amid questions being raised about the UN climate body's credibility in the wake of the controversy."Comment On “AMS2010: Data Gaps And Errors May Have Masked Warming” By Olive Heffernan At The Weblog Climate Feedback « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
He was addressing an event organised by his own institute, TERI, whence he was bombarded with questions from the media who insisted that the issue was of global importance and his reaction could clear the air on the matter. However, says The Hindu, Mr Pachauri remained evasive and refused to budge.
Fending off the questions, an unusually defensive Pachauri told reporters, "I would hold a press conference on Friday on the issue. This event is strictly confined to the energy security-related matter," then adding: "I do not want to speak on the issue (controversy) right now." He also refused to react when asked if he was going to resign from his chairman's post.
Maybe one of other of the Indian journalists may recall an interview with Dr Pachauri in January 2006 by Indian Express editor-in-chief Shekhar Gupta.
Then, he congratulated the former railway engineer for being an "institution builder", remarking that he built TERI with a Rs 3 crore grant, noting: "and I believe your assets are now nearly Rs 300 crore." That, in pounds sterling, is £40 million.
What would be interesting to learn is how much those asset values have increased in the four years since, who is the beneficial owner of those assets and why a supposedly charitable institute is building such a portfolio of riches, rather than helping the poor, about which Dr Pachauri expresses so much concern.
While, whether the trends are positive or negative from 2003 to 2009 does not refute a longer time global warming (which could, of course, recommence), statements by Chris Folland and John Kennedy that can be easily shown to conflict with even a cursory examination of the data, will result in a dismissal of their conclusions by objective climate scientists.PJTV - PJTV Daily - Climategate Heats Up As Liberal Author Jumps Ship
[11 minute video] The left has ostracized him, but progressive Democrat Thomas W. Fuller won’t toe the party line on global warming. Hot on the heels of the climategate scandal, he’s released Climategate: The CRUtape Letters with coauthor Steven Mosher.Pajamas Media » Climategate: The End of the Beginning
The Climategate files opened up what was happening behind the scenes, and it turned out there was no paranoid fantasy: they really were out to get you.Die Klimazwiebel: Schiermeier in nature - quoting incorrectly
Myth #3: "All changes of climatic conditions are related to human causes" - The IPCC's Abominable Snowmen
This claim is usually not voiced explicitly, but implicit in numerous hints that certain events must be understood as "abnormal" and "consistent with" or even "due to man-made climate change". However, changes can be due to various causes, from natural variability, to changes in local conditions (e.g., urbanization), to changes in observational practices incl. instrumentation.
Like the infamous "hockey stick" graph purporting to show sudden and man-induced warming, and the Climate-gate e-mails showing the efforts by researchers associated with Britain's Climate Research unit to "hide the decline" in global temperatures, the Himalayan glacier claim, like the IPCC report itself, is science fiction and not science fact.
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