Sunday, January 31, 2010

The folly of forgetting global warming
With all the flat-Earth flatheads watching, scientists can't afford to make mistakes -- and we can't afford them to.
Global warming bringing oddball weather to region | The Times Leader Scranton Edition, Scranton, PA
SCRANTON – According to a report from the National Wildlife Federation, global warming’s impact on the environment is evidenced in changing winters in the Northern United States.
“While global warming means shorter, milder winters on average, there will also be a lot of surprises that will put a strain on people, governments, economies, and wildlife,” said Amanda Staudt, Ph.D., climate scientist of the National Wildlife Federation, who prepared the report.

The report, “Odd-ball Winter Weather: Global Warming’s Wake-Up Call for the Northern United States,” was also prepared by Patty Glick, senior global warning specialist and Douglas Inkley, Ph.D., senior scientist of the National Wildlife Federation.
Informed Comment: Top Ten Ways al-Qaeda Causes Carbon Emissions and Climate Change
10. Increased delays at airports because of increased security measures have led to more idling automobiles at and around airports. Idling automobiles are a major source of carbon dioxide pollution.
So much for global warming; or not -
Part of the recent jump in skepticism is rooted in the train wreck that has been happening in the climate research field in recent months.
We need facts, not spin, in the climate debate - Telegraph
In its zeal to persuade the world of the catastrophic consequences of man-made global warming, the IPCC has lost both its objectivity and the trust of the public. That is one of the main reasons why we, along with our sister newspaper The Daily Telegraph, believe that Rajendra Pachauri, the IPCC's chairman, should step down.

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