Friday, January 08, 2010

[In case you missed it: Helpful advice from ClimateGate fraudster Gavin Schmidt]
Shortly after the post, Lucia, a PhD and specialist in fluid mechanics, received an email from prominent climatologist Gavin Schmidt from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). It said in part, “[A] word to the wise… I don’t think that bloggers are shielded under any press shield laws and so, if I were you, I would not post any content, nor allow anyone else to do so.”
US climate change legislation Q&A: what will happen in 2010? | Environment |
Climate change legislation may stall in the Senate, but the federal government, and several states and cities are moving ahead. The business world is also coming on side. - 2010 Could Be Democrats' Last Chance for 'Change'
Though moderate Democrats are expected to be extra cautious in supporting agenda items like climate change legislation because of the political peril some face at home, the likelihood that 2010 will be the party's last best shot at passing the reforms President Obama campaigned on could make this year a veritable derby of "change" legislation.

"The Obama administration has known for a long time that they will never, and I mean never, have 60 votes in the Senate again," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. "They will never, and I mean never, have a 40-seat majority in the House again. This is as good as it's ever going to get for them. They're going to get as much as they can get while they can get it."
Climate Change Policies Are a Civil Rights Issue |
As I have written, almost every single policy pushed to address global warming by environmental groups hurts the poor.
Can global warming or any science be corrupted by politics? | Jack Hunter | Charleston City Paper
Like Bush Republicans and the Iraq war, global warming has become an integral part of liberal identity and the Left would no more question climate change than Christian fundamentalists would question the divinity of Christ. Whether in politics, science, or both, this is exactly what blind faith is — and all the more reason to question it.
EU to pursue climate deal through G-20 - Taiwan News Online
The EU said Friday it will pursue a new deal on global warming through the Group of 20, since last month's U.N. climate conference of nearly 200 nations led to unwieldy negotiations that didn't accomplish much.
BBC: forecast of a mild winter 'wasn't actually wrong'. And they called climate sceptics 'deniers' – Telegraph Blogs
Not since Soviet reports, circa 1952, of record tractor production figures for the Ukraine have the claims of any government agency, anywhere on earth, displayed such detachment from reality. The same applies to the BBC, which must be broken up and sold off by the government that replaces Dave in 2015. It is now churning out lies on a scale that would have made the commissar in charge of Radio Moscow under Stalin blench. The breathtaking words of Watts were followed by a studio debate involving two supporters of climate change orthodoxy. (What did you expect – Monckton, Delingpole, some revisionist deviationist from the party line?)

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