Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Migrant Mind: Warming made to order. Look at the maps.
I ran into a wonderful site from Nasa. The maps from this site don't jive with the maps from NOAA's State of the Climate. Nor do they jive with the pronouncements of the Goddard Institute of Space Science.

Indeed, the two sets of maps are so incongruous that we must have separate climatic histories.
LOL, Missed My Chance at History | Climate Skeptic
Something I discovered only days after the Climategate (I guess that unfortunate name is going to stick) story broke, I finally noticed a comment on my blog on the night of the release notifying me and my readers of the availability of the email file. It was pretty far down in a pretty random, really a throwaway post, and I didn’t notice until days later when the story had moved on.
The Mosher Timeline « Climate Audit
Here’s what is publicly known so far about the release of the Climategate dossier.
The next big scam: carbon dioxide - Full Comment
Attempts to create markets for tradeable CO2 are shaping up to be the next Oil-for-Food-sized fraud
Deloitte Forensic calls it “the white collar crime of the future.” Kroll, a business risk subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan, the global professional services firm, calls it “a fraudster’s dream come true.”

These two global financial services firms are referring to carbon trading markets, a business that is estimated to explode from $132-billion in 2009, mostly in the European Union, to $3-trillion by 2020 as jurisdictions around the world join in carbon trading, part of the “cap and trade” system that governments are embracing.
Says Chris Perryman of Europol’s Criminal Finances and Technology section in The Hague, in referring to the $7.4-billion in fraud that have occurred in the last 18 months in the EU’s carbon market: “It is clear that [carbon trading] fraudsters are fully aware of the potential that trading in intangible commodities has to further their ends. Such goods or services can be traded without the need to be physically moved or transported, which represents an obvious opportunity to frustrate Law Enforcement efforts to track and trace transactions.” So much fraud has been occurring that, Europol estimates, up to 90% of all carbon market volume in some EU nations was related to fraudulent activities.
Glenn Beck: Global warming out, climate change in
GLENN: Now may I ask let's just think this through for a second. The hockey stick which has been discredited in about seven different ways...
Cha-am Jamal
The science of the warmists depends on the unscientific notion that data that support their hypothesis are good data and should be retained while those that do not are blips and outliers that must be discarded; as well as the attitude that they already know the answer and need data only to convince the masses. That attitude renders research methods into propaganda methods and encourages climate scientists to use statistics only as a marketing tool.

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