Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nick Griffin - Global Warming Biggest Fraud in Human History
[Video] The following formed the basis of Nick Griffins address to the European Parliament in Strasbourg this afternoon
Those pushing the unscientific nonsense of man made climate change Shell, Monsanto, the international banks, Bilderberg One Worlders, carbon billionaires and their useful idiot allies on the Left are running the biggest fraud in human history.
Becker pushes climate change [hoax] legislation in D.C.: Supporters urge Senate to act by Earth Day.
Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, however, said in a recent op-ed that proponents of cap-and-trade legislation are trying to pitch their effort as the "equivalent of a giant magic job Pez dispenser," when it would kill jobs.

Bishop, who voted against the bill, wrote in the new online news outlet Daily Caller that the Democrats' legislation would raise the price of gasoline, electricity, food and destroy millions of jobs and prolong the recession, all for a 0.22-degree temperature drop at the end of the century. He proposed allowing individual states to decide their own path forward.

"If cap-and-trade is the Shangri-La supporters think it will be, let it be proven and other states will follow," Bishop said in the editorial. "Likewise, if it doesn't work, other states can learn from its failure and avoid the same mistakes."
Global Warming as Segregation? | FrontPage Magazine
Now, the chief of the United Church of Canada (UCC) is comparing the struggle against climate change with the Civil Rights protests of yesteryear. UCC Moderator Mardi Tindal even dramatically penned a letter that she self-importantly likened to Martin Luther King’s historic missive from a Birmingham Jail. Apparently she composed her letter through tears over the failure of the Copenhagen Climate Summit to agree to the massive shut-down of global capitalism for which the Religious Left has long prayed.

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