Sunday, January 31, 2010

On yer bike, mayor | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Why is hypocrisy so common among green preachers? Is it that this cult is really just a licence to bully?
EU Referendum: Indian media support eroding
The Liberty News Central blog highlights an article on the front page of the Hindustan Times today...

It is running a story on how Dr Pachauri's TERI was paid 5.6 million rupees (about £75,000) by the Indian Environment and Forest ministry to conduct IPCC meetings "to discuss the impact of climate change". Although relatively anodyne, the paper does raise the question of conflict of interest, provoking the ritual squawk of indignation from the good doctor.
Now Stern was sexed-up, too | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Next for us to check is this: who first made these wild claims for “which the relevant scientific references could not be located”? How many of these unsubstantiated claims from the initial Stern report were then accepted by Kevin Rudd’s guru, Ross Garnaut, who relied so heavily on Stern for his own report?

I’ll keep you posted.
UKIP: Professor Ian Plimer on climate change and others inc. Lord Monckton | Climate Realists
World leading climate change sceptic Professor Ian Plimer states the truth about global warming in this presentation hosted by UKIP's Godfrey Bloom in London recently.
Kevin Rudd feels the heat on global warming | Daily Telegraph Piers Akerman Blog
PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd, the man who said he would never “knowingly” tell a lie, should begin the new Parliamentary session Tuesday with a few admissions of deceit.

His massively exaggerated claims of catastrophic climate change caused by human activity have been thoroughly rejected by the UK chief scientist, John Beddington. Even Australia’s chief scientist, Penny Sackett, has been unable to provide any evidence to support her wild December claim that there are about five years to avoid dangerous climate change damage.
NASA, NOAA create global warming trend with cooked data

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