Friday, January 29, 2010

Per-cow fee would hurt cattlemen, says Utah Farm Bureau boss - Salt Lake Tribune
Lehi » The part of Utah's economy that depends on agriculture would be hobbled if the government increases pressure on greenhouse-gas emissions, a panel warned Utah's farmers and bankers.

Randy Parker, Utah Farm Bureau president, said a "cow tax" the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing would cost Utah livestock managers $104 million a year. The government would assess a $175-per-cow fee to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Bin Laden – How To Respond « It’s Getting Hot In Here
[Bin Laden's] plan is to drive the wedge between the climate cynics and climate activists even further, and it’s already working. This is the perfect story to kill any federal climate bill in the U.S. In fact it’s the perfect strategy if you desire chaos and destruction.

Any association with him immediately demonises the climate movement, and will maintain the stranglehold of oil-rich nations over the American economy. More worryingly in the long term, a world in the throws of extreme weather and an unpredictable food-supply is rich pickings for a fanatic totalitarian.
Bin Laden Endorses Cap-n-Tax
While stopping short of endorsing any particular candidates, it is clear that bin Laden has adopted the populist platform embraced by the current administration.
CAP.TRADE.DEC2010 21:47
[Intrade: Yet another all-time low on the cap and trade 2010 contract: 12.7 cents]

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