UN climate change [hoax] talks may not reach a conclusion this year - Telegraph
Climate change talks may not end in a treaty to stop global warming by the end of next year, Yvo de Boer, the head of UN negotiations has said.Do “Adjustments” Lead to a Warming Bias? « the Air Vent
When falsely identified breakpoints are sufficiently frequent that they can lead to false trends of the order of 0.25 deg C/Century (30% of the purported warming), then an automated adjustment method would seem to be not recommended.Climate Feedback: AMS2010: Let us see
I entered a session here at AMS this morning at a pivotal moment: Barry Smit, a self-confessed ‘integrated scientist’, was singing – rather loudly – a rewritten version of the Beatles’ ‘Let it Be’. Smit’s version ‘Let Us See’ was about using indigenous knowledge to gain insight for dealing with climate change, the topic of the session I had just joined.Flashback: Inuit say Baffin Bay Polar Bear Population is not decreasing - Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
Inuit feel that their knowledge is being ignored.U.N. climate panel says claim of melting glaciers "poorly substantiated"
“Hunters are on the land 12 months out of the year and are constantly observing the land and animals on their travels. Over the last several years, hunters in the Baffin Bay region have observed an increase in polar bears.” said Ningeocheak.
The episode is yet another black eye on the IPCC and some of the world’s top climate change scientists who are still trying to recover from the Climategate email scandal that erupted in November. As a result of that event, many have questioned the accuracy of the IPCC’s work after it was revealed the scientists worked in concert to prevent dissenting opinions from being heard.
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