Thursday, January 21, 2010

UN drops deadline for countries to state climate change targets | Environment |
Copenhagen deal falters as just 20 countries of 192 sign up to declare their global warming strategies
Toasty in the Northwest? Thank El Nino
El Nino, a periodic warming along the equatorial Pacific, generally produces heavier-than-normal precipitation in California. This year, Southern California has been drenched, with storms this week flooding streets and increasing the danger of mudslides.

For the Northwest, it usually means warmer temperatures, overall drier conditions and less snow in the mountains - exactly what the region has experienced. The effects of El Ninos normally show up around the first of the year.

Global warming has nothing to do with it, [Cliff Mass, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Washington] said. The weather pattern over North America this month brought a warm, wet southerly air stream into the Northwest, while the central U.S. and the East got a blast of cold, he said.
Climategate Analysis - Wry Heat
The Science and Public Policy Institute has published an analysis of the leaked climategate emails. This 149-page document takes the emails in chronological order and shows, with comments on each message, how science was perverted.

In the introductory material the report says:

The entire industry of “climate science” was created out of virtually nothing, by means of a massive influx of funding that was almost universally one-sided in its requirement that its recipients find evidence for man-made climate change—not investigate whether or how much mankind had caused climate change.

Many “climate scientists” built their entire careers on this funding; and so it is not surprising that they became so completely reliant on this conditional lifeline, that they became single-mindedly focused on achieving the ends for which they were commissioned—and viciously attacking any intruders who may threaten that lifeline.
Mann’s 1209 temperature proxies « Climate Sanity
You can view the plots of all 1,209 proxies used by Michael Mann for his 2008 hocky stick temperature reconstruction joined together into one giant image. Amazingly, the images are relatively small (less than one megabyte) and will download quite quickly. The proxies are arranged in alphabetical order, right to left and up to down.
When climate change scepticism changes political opinion – Pollytics
Effectively, 80% of the change in disapproval levels of the CPRS – from it’s low level of 24% disapproval in August 09 to it’s current high of 36% this month – came from the increase in global warming scepticism that occurred over the same period.
The battle for climate change policy will not be won or lost on the public battlefield of the detail of carbon abatement policy, it will be won or lost on the size of the majority that believe in the weight of evidence of climate science. It will be won or lost on the numbers of people that the government can convince to believe in the data.

If you get one, the other follows like a loyal dog.

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