Who Cares About Climate? – 2- AGW, As Solid As Hot Air « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
...people are affected not by averages: rather, by actual events.Chief Scientist predicts "bottom-up" effort to tackle climate change - 20 Jan 2010 - BusinessGreen.com
Professor John Beddington expects the failure of Copenhagen to increase focus on national and state-level climate change policiesC3: Uh-Oh....Bush Did It Right On The Climate Thingy It Seems: Obama Turns To Bush's Strategy
Obama's Copenhagen climate solution turned out to be a cruel joke, causing a literal fiasco. Recognizing that failure, it now appears Obama will be adopting the Bush strategy. How bad is that for his fanatical, global warming alarmist, UN world government supporters? It's way bad, and now it's reeeaaaaly a cruel turn of events for Bush-haters.The Migrant Mind: IPCC Was Wrong--They Won't Change Opinion
It seems that data has nothing to do with the IPCC conclusions.More global warming credibility melts away « Don Surber
These socialists-in-scientist’s-smock got caught, once again, making crap up. Every single error was on the side of their Chicken Little theory.
Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon blew the whistle on them last month, “By the way, there will still be glaciers in the Himalayas in 2035.”
This is not science. It is rationalization for socialism.
They fooled the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, which is like being smarter than a fifth-grader without the one-liners from Jeff Foxworthy.
Error-riddled “proof” is what happens when your “peer review” amounts to a conspiracy in which you give each other A’s.
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