Thursday, January 28, 2010

Warning Signs: Obama: Repeating the Same Mistakes (and Lies)
The President actually said there was “overwhelming evidence” of climate change. No, but there is growing evidence that Al Gore and everyone else who said that global warming was occurring was lying or seriously misinformed.

How the President of the United States could continue to assert that global warming was or is real is beyond any rational explanation.
American Thinker Blog: A Response to the president's State of the Union speech
He arrogantly refuses to revisit his Man Mad Climate Change agenda, (despite the mountain of corrupt data emerging via the climategate scandal).
Cold, bitter winter is “proof” of global warming |
Winter offered as proof of warming” declares a headline in the print edition of the Washington Post, although perhaps the irony of that later struck the editors and they softened it a bit in the online edition to “Harsh winter a sign of disruptive climate change, report says.”

Nothing especially outrageous here. The enviros have been doing this for years; indeed, it’s why they adopted the term “global climate change” so that any change in climate or even just weather - which obviously this is - can be portrayed as a result of man’s nefarious activities in putting greenhouse gases into the air. The report, incidentally, is from the National Wildlife Federation that makes money by promoting global warming in the same way that GM makes money selling trucks.
On Weather Stations and Climate Trends - Dot Earth Blog -
There’s been an ongoing attack on the credibility of federal climate monitoring efforts that has been partly inspired by Anthony Watts.
Does the lunacy ever end? Now they want to simulate volcanos to save the planet | CLIMATEGATE
Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet has penned a great article today called, Mad Scientists Want To Simulate Volcanoes To Block Sun. Yes, its as crazy as it sounds. It seems some scientists are now in such a hurry to cool the planet, that they want to simulate volcanic eruptions to block the sun, rather than the more costly methods of cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Aside from the obvious sheer lunacy of it all, Paul Joseph Watson poses some possible mild side effects
Steve Janke: The planet will survive. You heard it here first - Full Comment
The global warming religion is splitting into two as a result of the recent scandals engulfing by the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and I see that split accelerating, and ultimately causing a fundamental change to the global warming religion.
The Blackboard » Bet When Pachauri Resigns
Zeke suggested we bet quatloos on whether or not Pachauri will cease to head the IPCC any time soon. So, here’s your chance. You must vote before Feb. 1.

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