Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why the BBC will always be wrong on Climate Change – Telegraph Blogs
...trying to explain to the BBC why its coverage is skewed in a painfully left-liberal, eco-fascist direction is bit like trying to tell Attila the Hun that he errs on the side of pillage and rape: for both Attila and the BBC it’s all just instinctively right and normal.
Senator Dorgan Rules Out Cap-and-Trade Bill | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
It is clear that cap-and-trade is a non-starter in the Senate. The question becomes why is repealing a regulation that costs job, increases the cost of energy and hurts small businesses a non-starter? In short, it may not be.
Cap and Trade May be Dead, But Bad Energy Policy Isn’t | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Although the chances of President Obama signing a cap and trade bill into law appear slim, there’s plenty of bad energy policy to worry about.
Greens v. Green Jobs - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Wind turbines shred birds. Nukes are dangerous. And nickel is dirty. Green creates jobs all right — for green lawyers suing green tech.
More snow UK confirms WeatherAction long range forecast for LONG cold spell by Piers Corbyn | Climate Realists

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