Friday, February 19, 2010

10 Wong Reasons to Tax us « JoNova
What’s scary about this is that people who are supposed to represent the public (our elected representatives) are using the equivalent of a medieval witchhunt to run the country, and the people who are supposed to inform the public (the journalists) don’t seem to notice.
Von Storch: “Climate Protection” Enhances Vulnerability « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
The vulnerability against weather extremes is enhanced because of the false perception that we are facing a revengeful environment which is striking back against the perpetrator instead of the view that extremes of this sort are “normal” and need preparation on our side even if these events are rare.
The Reference Frame: Interview with Michael Mann
This guy is a stunning mixture of a complete lack of integrity and a complete lack of sanity.
Al Gore's Brain (AlGoresBrain) on Twitter
Now is the time to buy your Carbon Credits. Call me and ask about our Global Warming closeout.
BREAKING: White House heralds projection of billions of new stimulus jobs by the University of East Anglia.

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