Thursday, February 18, 2010

- Bishop Hill blog - Climategate fallout
There an interesting article at the Times Higher Educational Supplement which suggests that UEA researchers outside CRU, or even the School of Environmental Sciences, may be experiencing blowback from the Climategate scandal.
"I am suspicious about the 60 per cent figure (because) it comes from UEA, which ... has suffered from the recent CRU scandal," one reader writes.

Another says: "For me, at least, whenever anyone mentions research from UEA, the Climategate scandal and bad scientific practices will come to mind ... I feel bad for the students now that the institution is somewhat of a national joke."
Someone please explain: why does Peter Garrett still have a job…? | Australian Climate Madness
… when four are dead as a result of his bungled home insulation scheme? I am posting about this because it is basically a climate issue - encouraging householders to install insulation in order to reduce electricity and heating/cooling, and therefore reduce energy consumption and ultimately CO2 emissions.
Lateline hears what it wants to | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The headline on Lateline’s transcript of its interview with the Rudd Government’s global warming advisor, Ross Garnaut:

     Coalition’s climate policy an abomination, says Garnaut

The Coalition’s policy is the “abomination”? In fact, Garnaut was attacking Labor’s
American Thinker: Bill Gates, Environmental Kook
What is most disturbing about Gates' energy stance is his almost cult-like adoption of the most hysterical (and false) assumptions of global warming orthodoxy. - EPA's Endangerment Finding Inflames Climate Change Debate
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, says the Environmental Protection Agency needs to go back to the drawing board in assessing the cause of greenhouse gas pollution.

"Restart the process, and this time use rigorous, defensible science," Cuccinelli, a Republican, said.

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