Wednesday, February 17, 2010

- Bishop Hill blog - Sir Muir on independence
This is what Sir Muir said shortly after his appointment as head of the CCE Review:
"Given the nature of the allegations, it is right someone who has no links to either the university or the climate science community looks at the evidence and makes recommendations based on what they find."
It's possible he has changed his mind.
- Bishop Hill blog - ...a British geologist with the IPCC...
This is interesting: an old article (2008) from the Gulf News in which Geoffrey Boulton is described as "a British geologist with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change".
Virginia Politics Blog - Cuccinelli on UN global warming report: "Unreliable, unverifiable and doctored"
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) has injected Virginia directly into the global warming debate with a petition to the EPA and a lawsuit in federal court challenging the EPA's December ruling that greenhouse gases harm human beings by causing global warming.

In a news conference today, Cuccinelli said the EPA's ruling rested entirely on the findings of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that he believed were "unreliable, unverifiable and doctored."
"It's very clear the process by which this was undertaken was not one that was set up to reach an objective conclusion," he said. "This wasn't the pursuit of truth. It was political science, not science in the typical sense of the word."
Afterward, Glen Besa, director of the Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club, accused Cuccinelli of wasting taxpayer money on his own ideological crusade against global warming. [Via Climate Change Fraud]
News Release : Team finds subtropical waters flushing through Greenland fjord : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Waters from warmer latitudes — or subtropical waters — are reaching Greenland's glaciers, driving melting and likely triggering an acceleration of ice loss, reports a team of researchers led by Fiamma Straneo, a physical oceanographer from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
Google Translate: Dutch website on Morano
[with videos] ...he knows his facts and he speaks like a machine gun.
The Blackboard » Is this guy the CRU hacker?
He seems to suggest he is working with some huge unnamed group that is masterminding anti-AGW operations. Have any of you ever heard of this guy?
The big picture: 65 million years of temperature swings « JoNova
What’s obvious is that in terms of homo sapiens history, things are warm now (because we’re not in an ice age). But, in terms of homo sapiens civilization, things are cooler than usual, and appear to be cooling.

Then again, since T-rex and co vanished, it’s been one long slide down the thermometer, and our current “record heatwave” is far cooler than normal. The dinosaurs would have scoffed at us: “What? You think this is warm?”
Global Climate Scam » WCCO Radio Discussion of Global Warming &
I was a guest on the Michele Tafoya Show on Twin Cites News Talk station, WCCO 830 AM on Tuesday to discuss global warming and our website,  [MP3]

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