Monday, February 08, 2010

Bishop Hill: Gonzo science and the Hockey Stick • The Register
Torturing the climate numbers until they confess
It's quite emblematic of how climate science has been conducted over the past ten years. The Upside Down Data is fine anyway, we're told, because we all know it's getting warmer; it's fine to use upside data, because the data fits. It's blessed as an OK thing to do.

What amazed me in your account is the testimony by one climatologist, D'Arrigo, who told the Senate that cherry-picking is OK, that if you get "a good climatic story" (her words) from the data, then you can throw away the data that doesn't suit the results. Torture the numbers until they confess, you call it.

One paleoclimatologist called Jan Esper has said you can throw away the bits that don't give you the right answer - and it's an advantage 'unique to climatalogy'. Yes, they say it, and seem to believe it.
Al Fin: Shocking Climate Scandal Finally Revealed
It is clear from the graph above that postal charges are the leading variable, and a clear cause of the climate change which is obviously the dependent variable in the causative correlation.
Richard Littlemore | Wegman's Report Highly Politicized - and Fatally Flawed
According to a detailed analysis by the blogger Deep Climate, McIntyre and McKitrick's criticism of the Hockey Stick graph was aggressively promoted and disseminated by an echo chamber of think tanks and blogs, all of which had financial or ideological associations with fossil fuel industry funders.
EU Referendum: The dawning of understanding
The Indian Financial Express has at last begun to recognise that there is a thing called the blogosphere out there.

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