Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Blizzard of Climate Scandals | First Things - Zoecity
All in all, it’s been a sorry month or so for the global-warming alarmists. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole movement is going away, though. A mystique has been built around it, and that is not going to vanish overnight. The movement’s credibility has been damaged, and its political future is dismal, but a large body of scientific opinion still supports it. Meanwhile, if the temperatures do resume rising (right now, they’re flat), I, like most of humanity, intend to enjoy them.
Richard Taylor | [In an insane attempt to prevent hurricanes,] Should We Buy Our Councillors iPads?
When Cllr Sian Reid arrived he asked her if she knew where the proposal had originated. She said she had been talking to Simon Chubb, the City Council’s Climate Change Officer about the amount of paper the council uses during meetings. Cllr Reid said Mr Chubb was investigating if the council’s climate change fund could be used to pay for a trial involving using tablet computers during meetings.
C3: Will "Peer-Reviewed" Become Known As The "Science of Idiocracy"? Should Anyone Believe Scientists Any Longer?
Here are some examples of older/newer fears and catastrophes predicted by scientists that should have been exposed as bogus or way too extreme from day one
Good news! One third of the Netherlands suddenly rises above sea level | CLIMATEGATE
Well, where the hell did we get the bigger, more frightening numbers?

The 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC report, that’s where.
New Labour Adopting Climate Realism?
The task of the government isn't so much to keep repeating the science, but to persuade people that the science is not politicised groupthink. If people fear that the distinction between objective scientific inquiry and environmental campaigning has been blurred - a fear that Glaciergate has revealed is not 100 per cent fanciful - then the government must demonstrate its commitment to re-enforcing and respecting that divide. There have been suggestions that governments should hand over responsibility for sending representatives to the IPCC to national scientific institutes such as the Royal Society. People were also surprised that the chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, is not a trained expert in a relevant field. Clearly, the bar should be raised and Pachauri shuffled towards the exit.

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Initiative to suspend AB 32 cleared to gather signatures

Ahhhhhh It's a great day to be in California!
Never thought I'd see it.

We only need 433,971 signatures. Including mine, that makes 433,970 to go.

Via NCMediawatch