Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Boulder Struggles With Energy Conservation - WSJ.com
They plan to post congratulatory signs outside homes that have let the "two techs in a truck" change the light bulbs.
Boulder depends almost entirely for energy on a coal-powered plant.  [Via Heliogenic Climate Change]
Rep. Emmer Introduces Bill to End Cap and Trade Law - Minnesotans For Global Warming
Unfortunately Emmer's amendment failed 88-44 Today.
Al Fin: Get Ready: Russia to Unleash Energy Avalanche
If the world's fossil fuel resources were freely developed, the resulting glut of energy would take a thousand years or longer to be exhausted. But thanks to a manufactured crisis of climate hysteria, and myriad faux environmental restrictions, we have Political Peak Oil -- man-made energy starvation. Top-down economic devastation, courtesy of the Obama - Pelosi gang.
Another Alarmist Gets Smoked in a Debate | GlobalWarming.org
This morning on Harrisburg, Pa. NPR station WITF, the Commonwealth Foundation’s Andrew Langer debated Jan Jarrett of Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture), and my conclusion is that CF ought to put Jarrett on their payroll. She was no competition for the exceptional Langer.
John Graham-Cumming: The Rank Amateur
Because I was working with unfamiliar data I put special functions into my program to ensure that I wasn't making any mistakes. To my surprise these functions began reporting that there was something wrong with temperature data in Australia and New Zealand. I whipped out a pocket calculator and checked that my program wasn't mistaken and then reported the problems to the Met Office. They quickly acknowledged that I was right.
Senate moderates keeping distance from cap-and-trade bill
"I'm trying to avoid talking to people like ... Senator Kerry and all of the people that are the stalwarts on the [climate bill], because I think we've got other things we've got to finish up before we embark upon that," Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said earlier this month.

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