Saturday, February 20, 2010

British Gas will be cheered by cold spell - Telegraph
Profits may be even higher as few analysts updated their forecasts after the cold weather, which saw demand surge to a record high.
Obama on global warming: First Professor schools climate change deniers
Contrary to wing nut propaganda, a robust snowfall in our nation's capitol does not mean global warming is a myth. A rise in global temperature will create all sorts of strange happenings, including warmer and more frequent dry spells, as well as colder, stormier winters.

Kudos to President Obama for taking advantage of a teachable moment to try and educate a population often bombarded by right wing propaganda denying anthropogenic global warming.
Climate-change deniers get too much help from Post story -
The real focus should have been on how climate-change deniers rely on bits of irrelevant information to distort the "debate" on a threat that is as near to certainty as science gets.

This kind of journalism is one of the reasons that less than a quarter of Americans "strongly believe" the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is harmful and is caused by humans.

David Hilfiker, Washington
Global warming: Rolling heads gather no moss--and make for bad policy
...the NIPCC that published an 800 page report last year promoting skeptical views of global warming has the appearance of more of a one-time media stunt than an ongoing investigative effort.  [Did Fuller actually read the NIPCC report?]

1 comment:

susan said...

Talk about cherry picking. The shocker is Harvard Educated US president says lack of Vancouver snow proves catastrophic man made global climate change. DC and Texas snow do not affect his theory but lack of snow in Vancouver does prove it. Lowest average temp. in Feb. in Vancouver is 35 degrees, a point at which snow melts. Think Seattle. A 2003 Vancouver Sun article details how surprising it was Vancouver was chosen for winter Olympics. Recent article says there is no reason whatever to describe current weather as anything but ordinary. Only question is, why was this info withheld from many people?