Monday, February 15, 2010

C3: Southern Hemisphere: Long-Term Evidence of Tiny Sea Rise of 4 Inches per Century
Read here. Tasmania, an island which would be severely impacted by Antarctica melting, is experiencing a whopping, constant four inches of sea rise per century.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Dems to Obama: Please don’t stand so close to me
Republicans only need to flip 40 seats to take control of the House. If McCain won 49 districts now represented by Democrats in a year where Obama provided substantial coattails, it doesn’t seem unlikely that the collapsing approval ratings for Obama and Democrats will result in a power change this November — and Obama will be forced to cut deals with the GOP in the last two years of his term.
- Bishop Hill blog - Boulton is staying
Unfortunately it is not Sir Muir who needs to be confident of the integrity of the review team, it is the public who will be the consumers of his findings. Sir Muir said at the start of his review that he considered it important to carry the confidence of sceptics. It seems clear now that this is not an issue that is occupying his mind any longer.
Scientists dispute climate sceptic's claim that US weather data is useless | Environment |
Ex-weatherman Anthony Watts says many US weather stations produce unreliable data because they are located next to artificial heat – but a scientific analysis suggests that, if anything, such stations underestimate warming

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