Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A spokesman said: "It appears the claim was not based on new data or field research but on that bit with the angry, talking trees in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
"There is a supplementary source, and yes it is that bit with the angry, talking trees in The Wizard of Oz.

"We still think there's a strong chance that trees will become sentient and take revenge on man for chopping down all their friends and turning them into spatulas, we're just not sure when."
Pajamas Media » Big Business Jumps Ship from the S.S. Climate Change
The global warming ship has run aground on some very nasty rocks. BP America, Conoco Phillips, and Caterpillar are only the first big corporations to decide to jump ship before it founders and sinks.
C3: Why Are "Global Warming" Predictions Always Sooo Wrong? Because Climate Modeling Is Not Actual Science
Although advocates of global warming like to portray climate models as science, it's fact that modeling is nothing but wishful thinking via number crunching. When a business uses an Excel spreadsheet, which incorporates a lot of complex formulas, to predict the next four quarters of sales, is that science? If it is used to predict next 30 years of sales, is that science? In reality, climate models are no more than giant, complex spreadsheets using thousands of formulas to produce non-scientific predictions - that is not science, it's number crunching much the same as what a business does.
The Hockey Schtick: Global Sea Level Decrease 2004-2009
The trendline shows the rate of global sea level decrease to be -.1mm/year or-10mm/century.

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