Monday, February 08, 2010

EU Referendum: Climate money
All this puts into perspective the claims that the current attacks on the IPCC and Pachauri are an "an organised, systematic and vicious attack by powerful and well-funded lobbies in the developed world."

In fact, our greatest strength is precisely that we are a "largely uncoordinated grassroots movement". If we ever became organised and "coordinated" in the way that the climate lobby claims to be, we would lose much of our power. And there is some comfort in the knowledge that, despite the billions pumped into the climate propaganda machine, the warmists are losing the argument.

Thus, while you can assert that "money talks", conviction talks louder.
Boots On: Why Representative Kate Knuth must go
Governor Pawlenty, why are you not denouncing your previous support for climate change and "green economy" nonsense? Your past endorsement and current silence, especially now that the climate change scam has been thoroughly exposed, provides political cover for climate change clowns like Knuth. Those of us in the Conservative base would appreciate it if you made it very clear to the socialist tree huggers in the legislature that additional economy killing green legislation will get the quick and unceremonious veto immediately upon arrival on your desk.
Climategate – Selected Stories From The Weekend « The Tory Aardvark's Blog
h of Climatology alive, so the likely outcome of the EU helping to rewrite the IPCC report will be more warming alarmist lies. The Spanish who feature heavily in this are using the Green jobs lie as faithfully uttered by Gordon Brown and Barack Obama. The Spanish Green jobs have proved a disaster for the existing economy, for every Green job created has cost 2.2 jobs in traditional industries.
Even California is revolting against cap-and-trade | CLIMATEGATE
Climategate’s home state is California. We can tell you for certain, people are angry, angrier than hell. At Obama, taxes, and illegal immigration, spending, and all the green shit crammed down our throats. The hippie state is finding its inner Ronald Reagan again.
EU Referendum: Still they want more
Several authors defended Pachauri and the IPCC process. "This is a transient and manufactured crisis and will likely go away with time," one IPCC author said. "What the science community needs is a few huge donors to throw millions of dollars behind PR campaigns to counter the propaganda out there. We are being attacked through baseless smear campaigns and we are not PR experts."

These people have very short memories. What about the £6 million the government paid for that appalling "bedtime stories" campaign?
YouTube - Snowpocalypse Now! Meteorologist Freakout
[Now with over 300,000 views] forecast video for the coming Snowpocalypse in the DC/Baltimore area shows meteorologist Jim Kosek freaking out a little about the storm. Oh boy.

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