Friday, February 05, 2010

Garnaut fooled, too. Call an inquiry | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
So how carefully have the Government and its advisors ever checked the claims of warming catastrophe, when even the Himalayan hoax could get accepted?

With the IPCC, Rudd’s other major source of global warming advice, now mired in allegations of bias, exaggeration, censorship, collusion, false claims and conflicts of interest involving its chairman, we now desperately need an inquiry into the state of the warming science before we spend a single million more.
O’Brien does it again | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Result? A whitewash. A report on the scandal-ridden IPCC of the nothing-to-see-folks kind. Just move along.

So when Pachauri falls, as even Greenpeace now concedes he should, what a shock that will be to O’Brien’s viewers, who were tonight left in the dark on the true seriousness of this claims against him and his organisation.

How much longer will ABC management condone or ignore this disgracefully one-sided coverage of the global warming controversies by its flagship programs? This is treating the audience like fools.
American Thinker: Climategate: Is It Criminal?
The potential criminality of the Climategate scandal is exactly the issue that is being investigated by authorities in Britain. The British Parliament has convened hearings to investigate East Anglia University and the Climate Research Unit to uncover unethical and illegal activities. As more information is revealed, the whole Climategate affair begins to take on the makings of a good mystery novel. Like any good mystery or crime plot, the web of involvement is widespread.
American Thinker: Taxpayers Deserve an Annual Report to the Shareholders
Alone, this modest change in how our government reports its financial standing will not put us back onto the path of fiscal responsibility, but it is a start. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government ... whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights." The best way to ensure that our elected officials stop spending money like it has no real consequences is to specifically show where our tax money is spent and make every taxpayer a watchdog of the federal deficit.
BBC News - Hubble spots Pluto blushing in space
Nasa's scientists believe these are seasonal changes - as the planet heads into a new phase of its 248-year-long seasonal cycle.

"These changes are most likely consequences of surface ice melting on the sunlit pole and then re-freezing on the other pole," Nasa's Space Telescope Science Institute said in a statement.

The overall colour is probably a result of ultraviolet radiation from the distant Sun breaking up methane on Pluto's surface. This, scientists say, would leave behind a red carbon-rich residue.

But some astronomers have expressed shock at the changes.

"It's a little bit of a surprise to see these changes happening so big and so fast," said Marc Buie, of the Southwest Research Institute. "This is unprecedented."

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