Saturday, February 20, 2010

Greens claim they’d be winning if they bothered arguing | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
...What a bizarre conspiracy theory. I have never heard of the American Atlas Economic Research Foundation or the British International Policy Network, and have never seen a dollar of Exxon money.

Have these people ever considered just arguing on the facts? - Utah Senate rejects EPA global warming policies
Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson was among those urging lawmakers to say "no."

"If we continue along this path, tragedy and untold misery will result among millions of people, including very likely our own descendants," Anderson said.
Guest Column From Scott Suder on Global Warming Bill - WQOW TV: Eau Claire, WI
The Legislature should be working overtime to keep the jobs we have and attract new ones, not rushing legislation through that will kill more jobs and take opportunities away from struggling families.

Let's take a closer look at some of the policies and mandates buried in the global warming bill that the authors don't want you to know about...
Virginia versus the EPA « Don Surber
Well, what we are getting from scientists is a pack of lies about an ice-free Arctic in 5 years, an ice-free Himalayas in 25 years and annual declarations of “hottest year ever” when in fact the temperatures are flat.

Finally, there will be some debate on this, at least in court.
USA Dept of Energy Jones et al 1986 350 pages station documentation now online in pdf
We are told that all of the station data listed in Appendices A can not now be found at CRU – these contain the data rejected by Jones et al. Which brings me to one of the great misinformation campaigns in climate science. That is the attempt by CRU and Jones to direct investigators to the GHCN station data in lieu of Jones et al/CRU station data. The two groups conduct distinctly different processes on station data and researchers will seldom get close to understanding what Jones/CRU have done by relying on GHCN station versions. The GHCN is riddled with its own multitude of errors and is more than a subject for study in itself.
I look forward to hearing from people making their own investigations of Jones/CRU data from their cities and regions.
How Al Gore Wrecked Planet Earth - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest
Anyway, as the Post now belatedly acknowledges, the movement to stop climate change through a Really Big and Comprehensive Grand Global Treaty is dead because there is no political consensus in the US to go forward. It’s dead because the UN process is toppling over from its own excessive ambition and complexity. It’s dead because China and India are having second thoughts about even the smallish steps they put on the table back in Copenhagen.

Doornail dead.

As the Post story shows, the mainstream media is now coming to terms with the death.
43-second video: Democrats Telling More Lies About Global Warming
Lies, lies, and more lies. That has been the story of global warming...since the 1980s.

These are the some of the Democrats who have been telling them.
EU Referendum: Self-deception writ large
This is not honest science. It is dishonest wordplay, and all the more contemptible for its pretence at being something else. If the authors believe – like Mann – they are telling the truth, they are deceiving themselves. It is self-deception writ large.
The Hockey Schtick: Sea Level Expert: "Sea is not Rising"
Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner is the head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden...

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