Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Global-Warming 'Skeptics' Distort the Truth - The dangers of being a scientist today - Tudor Vieru, Science Editor - Softpedia
...if we turn our face from [science] again, as we did centuries ago, we can easily fall back into superstition and centralized leadership of the kind we don't want. For example, many people believe that the cooler winter that we experienced is a sign that the planet is not warming.
Latin American Herald Tribune - Hail Cannons in Argentina Spark Climate-Manipulation Dispute
The attorney acknowledged that it is “difficult” to determine the cause-effect relationship between the action of the cannons and the drought, but posed the question of why such a link couldn’t be possible if, as chaos theory puts it, “something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world.”
Investor's Business Daily: A Green Tea Party
States' Rights: A revolt against economic hardship imposed by unelected bureaucrats based on junk science is brewing. This Tea Party movement wants the faulty finding on carbon dioxide to be reviewed and dumped.
Chu to governors: Capitol Hill renewable energy plans too weak - The Hill's E2-Wire
Chu said that a tougher RES – and long-term extension of renewable energy tax credits – would provide a greater draw for companies to build and keep renewable energy component manufacturing in the U.S., such as the Vestas plant in Colorado that he toured Friday.

“My fear is that unless Congress passes something that is a little bit more than that, there will not be that incentive,” he said at a forum on energy issues at the governors’ meeting. Chu said he would like to see a standard that is “a little bit more aggressive than what’s being considered.”

He noted that Vestas is “nervous” that unless there is a strong national standard, the market will not have sustained growth.

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