Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Is the Copenhagen Accord already dead? | Grist
PARIS—Less than two months after it was hastily drafted to stave off a fiasco, the Copenhagen Accord on climate change is floundering, and some are already saying it has no future.
Political momentum is so weak that so far only two negotiating rounds have been rostered in 2010, one among officials in Bonn in mid-year, the other in Mexico at ministerial level in December.

Worse, the Accord itself already seems to have been quietly disowned by China, India, and other emerging economies just weeks after they helped write it, say these sources.

“Publicly, they are being bubbly and supportive about the Copenhagen Accord. In private, they are urinating all over it,” one observer, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP.
Citing Heritage, Dana Milbank attacks valid climate science as ‘bordering on the outlandish’ | [Alarmist Brad Johnson] - Grist
The specific examples Milbank chose for mockery from a list compiled by the Heritage Foundation are in fact perfectly valid observations conducted not by “environmentalists” but by research scientists:
Want to green the Olympics? Stop moving them around | Grist
Still, the three official “pillars” of the International Olympic Committee are sport, culture, and environment. If organizers were serious about the third pillar, they’d give the traveling show a permanent home.
Oceans' acidity rate is soaring, claims study - Nature, Environment - The Independent
The oceans are likely to become so acidic in coming centuries that they will become uninhabitable for vast swathes of life, especially the little-studied organisms on the deep-sea floor which are a vital link in the marine food chain.
[Mission accomplished]: BP will leave USCAP too - The Hill's E2-Wire
Spokesman Tom Mueller said BP informed USCAP today of its decision. Another BP spokesman, Ronnie Chappell, said USCAP "has accomplished the work that we thought important when we joined, which was the establishment of a principles-based framework for shaping climate change legislation."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no way that the oceans will go acidic. These clowns have no idea that CO2 is part of an equilibrium from carbonic acid to calcium carbonate, producing some free protons along the way. As these protons are part of the equilibrium, they cannot effect the equilibrium.

Only a major source of protons from a different acid would have an effect on this equilibrium. Adding more CO2 actually increases the carbonate concentration in an ocean which, in the warm reef building latitudes, is already supersaturated. CO2 increases increase coral reef concretion and accretion. These guys are chemistry ignorants and spouting total inanities.

This is chemistry which is understood by anybody who seriously maintains a saltwater aquarium.

C Higley, PhD Biochem