Friday, February 12, 2010

[Left-wing blogger and commenters weigh in]: Wonkette : Utah Legislature Passes Non-Binding Resolution STICKIN’ IT To Commie Climate Change Fairies
Utah. It’s one of those states that we just have to deal with. Its legislature has just passed a resolution that… uh… well it tells the fedril gubmints to LAY OFF THEIR FREEDOMS and put a sock in this Climate Change scam, because look.
"Warming" Water Spurs U.S. to Consider ESA Protection for 82 Coral Species -
The Obama administration will consider federal protection for 82 coral species threatened by warming water temperatures.
Flashback: Record cold in Florida kills reef coral « Watts Up With That?
Never mind predictions of catastrophic bleaching from global warming, cold is the culprit of this story. With ocean heat content now shown to be dropping slightly since 2005, there is even greater concern.
Green Student Indoctrination - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Detroit — Michigan eighth-graders are 36th in the nation in math and 33rd in reading. But legislators are making sure they excel at what matters — like greening school buses by checking their tire pressures.

In 2006, Michigan created a bipartisan “Green School” law that tasked government to recognize schools with green programs. To qualify, an institution must task its students to complete half of a list of 20 green options, including...
CapitalClimate: Gulf Coast Storm Brings Rare Heavy Snow to East Texas, Northern Louisiana
This was also the largest snowfall in Shreveport since December 16th, 1983. Natchitoches reported 6.0". Snow amounts in Arkansas ranged up to 5.8" in Texarkana. In Texas, reports ranged from 2.0" near Lufkin to 7.0" at Longview and 10.0" at Lindale.
There is No Frakking "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming: Scientists' Opinions Are Sometimes Irrelevant
Two days ago scientists in the Netherlands issued a 3-page open letter on the scandal-plagued Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Only 55 people attached their names to this document. Nevertheless these folks claim to speak for "the Netherlands scientific community."
If a customer decides that the meal is less-than-acceptable, that it isn't worth the money, and that she has no interest in repeating this particular dining experience, a signed statement from 55 chefs talking about the splendid design of the kitchen changes nothing.
[How to turn a billion dollars in "green" investments into $25 in cash?]: David Gelbaum, Clean Energy Investor, Remains Bullish Despite the Downturn - Green Inc. Blog -
Mr. Gelbaum, after all, is one of the country’s largest private investors in green technology, and The Quercus Trust, his family fund, has approximately $400 million parked in more than 40 green technology firms.
“I’m not broke,” he said. “I’m just not in a liquid business any more. It was not a question of a lack of wealth, it was a question of lack of liquidity.”

As for his clean tech portfolio, Mr. Gelbaum said it has yet to turn a profit. “I’m in the red,” he said, adding that recession and credit crunch of the past two years have been challenging. “It’s been pretty bloody,” he said. “If you’re a clean-tech company, good luck in finding somebody to invest in you.”

But when it comes to his own clean-tech investments, Mr. Gelbaum said he is not going anywhere. “I’m very bullish on solar,” he said. “I think that solar and the smart grid have huge short-term potential.”

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