Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Most Important Interview: Stott
First, if I were asked what has been one of the most worrying, and disgraceful, aspects of recent climate-change science, it has unquestionably been the conscious attempt to bury the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) to ensure that there is not a significant historical phase warmer than the present. This is not the way science should work, and, in this context, Phil Jones’ cautious, and most welcome, replies are extremely pertinent
» Um — About Those Vanishing Polar Bears… - Big Journalism
In fact, these hunts being such an integral part of their culture, a few Inuits elect to retain the tags for themselves to do the killing. The new ruling means that now they’ll probably keep them all. A recreational hunt lasts a few days and—like all hunting–does not always climax with kill. But the tag is considered used once it’s sold to a recreational hunter, kill or no kill. On the other hand, Inuit hunters always kill a bear because they have months to fill that tag. So now that U.S. recreational hunters are barred by U.S. law from bringing home their conversation-piece rug, the Inuits have no choice but to keep their tags, assuring that more polar bears will be killed.
1/20/2013: How Global Warming is causing blizzards in Washington--the Explanation
More water vapor means more clouds and more precipitation. More clouds and precipitation causes cooling which could lead to global cooling. So if it is warming or cooling, it is proof of global warming.

No wonder Al Gore says the science is settled. It predicts everything that has and can happen.

Although this looks like a parody, it isn't. I've seen these arguments by warmists on various sites to explain things that don't seem to compute with global warming.
Storm-related ailments keep hospitals busy - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Slips and falls sent many to the hospital last weekend, but doctors were surprised to treat 23 people for carbon monoxide poisoning at UPMC Presbyterian hospital.
The Uncertain Fate of the IPCC - OnEarth Magazine, from NRDC
Opponents of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tried strangling the IPCC in its cradle when the body was formed twenty-one years ago. Only hard-core climate change deniers are now sounding the death knell of their nemesis (as they have many times before), but support for the IPCC appears to ebbing, for a variety of reasons, and the future of the foremost science-based organization on climate change is in question.
YouTube - What does Average Temperature Mean?

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