Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Move along, nothing to see here--just global warming in ruins
Both Penn State and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change today betrayed the public trust.

Penn State announced the conclusion of its investigation into Michael Mann, the climatologist who was being investigated for his involvement in the Climategate scandal. And the IPCC announced that it was content with its reporting which included errors that had been reported to it, quotes from rock climbing magazines presented as peer reviewed science, and lies from Rajendra Pachauri, its chief.

Penn State managed to preserve the status quo and protect Mann by the simple expedient of refusing to interview any of the principals in the case. They still managed to kick the can down the road, investigating Mann on one of the four allegations of misconduct, but given the way this is structured it is clear that academia will stonewall and outlast all but the most serious blogger.
Will the Separation of Powers Kill Climate Change [Hoax] Action in the US?
In a system of separated powers, significant social change requires cooperation among the branches of government. So, with the partisan bickering in Washington and the recent election of a Republican senator in Massachusetts, the chances of significant progress on climate change regulation have decreased. Only the Green Deal coalition can save us.
Sophist-inators « the Air Vent
Below is the IPCC statement, below that is my translation for the layman.
How Sick Is That? Environmental Movement Has Lost Its Way
[Co-founder of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore] Beginning in the mid-1980s, Greenpeace, and much of the environmental movement, made a sharp turn to the political left and began adopting extreme agendas that abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism.
Die Klimazwiebel: Climategate revisited: 2 remarks
[Werner Krauss] Dear skeptics, neo-skeptics, post-skeptics, ex-alarmists, and taxpayers: before you join into the choir conducted by senator Imhofe, just consider for a moment that Michael Mann was the victim of a burglary (just like the Democrats in Watergate).

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