Thursday, February 04, 2010

Pachauri: hopes sceptics "apply asbestos to their faces" | Australian Climate Madness
To all those commentators calling for Pachauri's resignation from the IPCC: please stop. The longer this loony remains in charge, the more damage will be done, and the less chance of it ever recovering.
Penn State opens probe into climate-change researcher's work - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"There has been more than a whiff of corruption that has followed Mann for years," said Marc Morano, executive editor of Climate Depot, a Web site published in Washington skeptical of global warming. "The fact that even his own university could not clear his name does not bode well for Mann."

Morano said "Mann represents everything that is corrupt and unethical in climate science today. He is one of the prime reasons that the global warming movement lay in tatters. Mann will go down in scientific history as a statistical charlatan."
[Revkin on Pachauri, 2002]: Dispute Arises Over a Push To Change Climate Panel -
The only other significant candidate nominated for panel chairman is Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, an Indian engineer and economist who is now one of five vice chairmen. He is highly regarded, but many scientists said his lack of grounding in atmospheric science made him an unsuitable choice.
Twitter / Andy Revkin
Imagined Onion hedline: IPCC's Pachauri- pushed by Exxon in '02 & now causing CO2 turmoil - seen as industry mole
FP Letters: Campus climate orthodoxy - FP Comment
Most of my students have seen Gore’s movie at least three times by the time they get to 2nd year university. Until my course, they are unaware of any counter arguments and have not seen any films other than Gore’s, not the Great Global Warming Swindle nor Not Evil Just Wrong. The record was one poor student who had been shown Gore’s film seven times.
My son took a course at the University of British Columbia last year, his freshman year, on how global warming is man-made. The so-called “professor” was completely doctrinaire. She began the course by airing An Inconvenient Truth and hammered away throughout the semester on the catastrophic evils of industrialization. Dissenting views were neither considered nor tolerated in the “discussions” that followed. Al Gore was her messiah. Students regurgitated her point of view to pass. I was appalled.

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