Monday, February 08, 2010

President Obama the scold - Carol E. Lee -
He has urged members of Congress not to read blogs or watch 24-hour cable news. And he’s challenged lobbyists, lawmakers, bankers, journalists, insurance companies and other heads of state to do a better job.

He’s prodded people to get off the couch, eat healthier and exercise more. He’s even suggested Americans buy stocks, U.S.-made cars and energy-efficient light bulbs, while cautioning them not to max out their credit cards.
Australian Climate Poll: 60% passionate (but half in the dark) « JoNova
The trading scheme is picking up a decidedly nasty smell

The idea of the a trading scheme is now deeply unpopular with 39% strongly opposing it, and only 8% strongly supporting it.
Protein might help fight global warming -
DENTON, Texas, Feb. 8 (UPI) -- University of North Texas scientists say they've found a way of using eco-friendly proteins to capture carbon dioxide from industrial smokestacks.
Follow global warming money
In the meantime, we have inflicted this nonsense on more than a decade’s worth of public school students and have intensified a global economic contraction that will be impossible to reverse if the political powers in Washington are unwilling to recognize global warming as the dupery that it is.

Representative, House District 40
Precautionary Principle « the Air Vent
the precautionary principle tells me that we should do nothing which would damage our economy and limit technology.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » New Marist poll shows Obama losing independents 2-1
The upcoming midterms will definitely be a problem for Obama and the Democrats. Already, a majority of respondents see the elections as a referendum either on Obama himself or Democratic leadership in Congress (54% combined), while only 18% want to send a message to the GOP. That impulse is as strong with independents (61%) as it is with Republicans (62%), and almost as strong among Democrats (48%).

This spells disaster in the midterms for Democrats. Of late, their efforts have gone into casting Republicans as the villains that kept the Democratic agenda from being seen as properly benign, but that campaign has been ongoing for the last two months and has had no lifting effect. They had better reconsider that agenda instead.

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