Wednesday, February 17, 2010

RealClearPolitics - Who Doesn't Trust Science Now?
[David Harsanyi] The problem is that reasonable people also understand economic trade-offs. Many don't like intrusive legislation. Others can sniff out fear-mongering for what it is. Some even trust in humanity's ability to adapt to any changes in climate trends.

In the end, though, the burden of proof is on the believers. And if they're going to ask a nation -- a world -- to fundamentally alter its economy and ask citizens to alter their lifestyles, the believers' credibility and evidence had better be unassailable.
Video: 'Biggest scam of the generation': Beck and Hannity pile on BBC interview as proof of the global-warming 'hoax' | Crooks and Liars
Fox's War on Global Warming continues.

Yesterday, both Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity featured segments on their Fox shows jumping on the climate-change denialists' latest fake controversy
Va. challenges EPA's stance on global warming | Richmond Times-Dispatch
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli turned up the heat on global warming yesterday.

On behalf of the state, Cuccinelli filed a petition asking the federal Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider its December finding that global warming poses a threat to people.
Gov. Bob McDonnell supported the moves.
Cuccinelli, a Republican, took office Jan. 16. During his campaign and since, he has expressed skepticism about climate change. In the Feb. 8 edition of The Cuccinelli Compass, his e-mailed newsletter, the Fairfax County resident wrote that he was looking "out the window at 30+ inches of global snowing."

The moves signal a major shift in Virginia's approach to climate change.
Interview Of Me By Maggie Koerth-Baker Of On The Schwartz Et Al 2010 Paper “Why Hasn’t Earth Warmed as Much as Expected?” « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
I was interviewed in late Janaury 2010 by Maggie Koerth-Baker Of, but it was not used.
The Dog Ate my Data: Today's Disgrace: Reviewgate
Why does this theme of trickery, underhandedness, ethical shortcomings and outright untruthfulness seem to follow AGW peddlers like a bad smell. This Review panel so far gives me that bad feeling you get when you have just stepped in something nasty on the pavement. Is there nothing about AGW that is open, verifiable, testable, ethical and honest. I am getting totally fed up with the underhanded methods employed, the failure to fully and openly declare associations and funding, the breach of ethics and the breach of common decency that seems to pervade these people. They disgust me.

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