Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Reference Frame: Czech grid plans to block new solar, wind plants
ČEPS has informed that if the rules won't be changed to avoid the danger raised by these ludicrously subsidized and hugely irregular sources of energy, it will have to start to disconnect them. This could mean that the green investors could lose their money which would be great.
Kevin’s from Queensland and here to help | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
By deliberately not crossing T’s and dotting I’s, this government blew your billions, torched your houses, made death traps of others and lured four men to their deaths.

That in a simple scheme just to put insulation in roofs. Now they plan a great new tax to re-engineer our whole economy.
The Mann Inquiry Report « Climate Audit
Given the publicity that this case has attracted and will continue to attract, you’d have that the university would have obtained the best possible professional advice on how to handle an inquiry and investigation from the Office of Research Integrity (or their equivalent at NSF). Instead, like Gerry North, they seem to have decided to “wing it” – an unfortunate decision that will do nothing except prolong the melodrama.
American Thinker Blog: The Goracle deserves a Nobel for humor
P.S. We truly hope that the glacial expansion on the Nordic Peninsula does not require evacuation of Oslo and the surrounding environs before the belated summer thaw in Washington, D.C. We realize you are ideologically suited for relocation to Berkley, CA but considering California's impending bankruptcy, we will reluctantly take a few of you here in Texas.

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